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Wiki Help

Some of the most common tags that you can use while editing articles:

Link to another resource[URL http://evilttl.com]Some Text Here[/URL]Some Text Here
Link to another article on evilttl.com[[Wiki-Help]]Wiki Help
Define Category path[[Category:Tools::Diagnostics]]n/a
To give configuration example[code]configuration text[/code]
configuration text 
Make something more visible<strong>emphasise</strong>emphasise
Make something orange (used for highlighting commands)<i>Interface Gi0/0</i>Interface Gi0/0
Underline text<u>underline</u>underline
Provide a note or a remark<blockquote><strong>NOTE</strong> Pay attention!</blockquote>
NOTE Pay attention!
Insert a header of level 2<h2>1. Header</h2>

1. Header

Insert a subheader of level 3<h3>1.1 SubHeader</h3>

1.1 SubHeader

Insert a sub-subheader of level 4<h4>1.1.1 Sub-SubHeader</h4>

1.1.1 Sub-SubHeader

Every article MUST have a category attached to it. This step is very simple to complete. Just insert the the code at the beginning of it.
For example, if you want to have an article be visible in

Cisco Systems - Routing and Switching

category use the following code:

[[Category:Cisco Systems::Routing and Switching]] 

By applying this code, the article will automaticaly be put into the parent category of Cisco Systems and child category of Routing and Switching.
If you want to create a table, click “Edit” this article in the upper right corner and see the original Wiki code.

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Please, register only if you wish to contribute.

By privilege15