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How to Install Python

Category:Automation -> Python

Go to https://www.python.org/downloads/, download Python for your operating system and install it.

By deafult it is installed in the following folder: C:\Users\user_name\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36

Define the path to Python in Environment Variables. Find how to do it for your operating system. For Windows 8 it is done by going to System (Control Panel) -> Advanced System Settings -> Environment Variables

Create PATH variable with the following values:

//Replace <user_name> with corresponding setting
//You may have a different Python version so the path would change 

By doing this we define the system path so you could open Python shell by typing ‘python’ in ‘cmd’ from anywhere or run a utility located in ‘Scripts’ folder, like ‘pip’ which we will use in SSH with Python to install Paramiko module.

You can also use IDLE shell, which is Python’s Integrated Development and Learning Environment. It came with Python_v3.6 when I installed it on Windows 8.

By privilege15